- Reporting of vacancies in respect of all 5 Departments of Ministry of Finance, in CSS(upto SO)/CSCS/CSSS grades to DOPT.
- Appointment, ad-hoc promotion and regular promotion in CSS(upto SO)/CSCS/CSSS cadres.
- Convening DPCs for confirmation of Direct Recruitment ASO & Stenographers grade 'D'.
- Internal Departmental Transfer/posting of officers/officials of CSS(upto SO)/CSCS/CSSS cadres.
- Nomination of fresh ASO & Stenographers grade 'D' and SOs & PS who joins on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Exam in all five Departments of Ministry of Finance as and when provided by DOPT.
- Convening DPCs for promotion in respect of SOs, ASOs, PSs, PAs, SSAs, JSAs.
- UP-dation of vacancy position and maintenance of seniority lists in respect of (SO & Assistant SO) in CSS/CSSS/CSCS(JSA&SSA)/MTS of Ministry of Finance.
- Cadre Clearance in respect of CSS(upto SO)/CSCS/CSSS grades for ex-cadre posts & for taking VRS, Technical Resignation etc.
- En-cadrement of posts in respect of CSS(SO & ASO)/CSSS.
- To serve training notice in respect of CSS(SO & ASO)/CSCS(JSA &SSA)/CSSS on nomination by DOPT.
- RTI matters/VIP references/Parliament Question/Public Grievances/Court Cases relating to above subjects.
- Being the Nodal Section of Ministry of Finance, Co-ordination with DOPT in all aspects related with appointment, promotion, vacancy etc.
- Charge of Reference Library in Department of Expenditure.